Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Dear blog,

I have started my school while some of my classmates are still having ur holidays. Be cos
I started my final year project first! (FYP) So shitty. Monday-Thurs: 830am-6pm.
Fri: 830am-530pm. Im seeing the freaking computer for more than 8 hours PER DAY! Its
only 4 days since the start of school, and Im already counting down the weeks. After 3 months of
FYP, Im going to have 3 months of attachment. I wonder what company I will be attached to.
Shit! Hmm, Sat is coming. Im SO looking forward to it. Cos Im SHITTY tired! (:

Im having dinner with george tonight, cos home is not cooking as parents is going to younger
sister school for parents meeting session. WTH?!

Well, yesterday mommy was searching her cupboard for dont know what thing, when she took out a file from her messy cupboard. The file contains GRANDMA (Mom's Mother) picture with all grandma's funeral stuffs inside. Mommy look at her picture for a very long time. I know for that moment of time, she is VERY VERY UPSET and I know she MISS HER VERY VERY MUCH. Well, what can i say? I cant change the fact that she is gone. I still have flashback whenever we have gathering with her around.


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